
Great! And since the people discussing this aren’t electricians, if your house burns down the insurance won’t pay out. Great way of saving on having a qualified electrician install them.

Great! And since the people discussing this aren’t electricians, if your house burns down the insurance won’t pay

This. Also, if the sauce isn’t particularly good and rather acidic, I’d add a 1/2 teaspoon soft brown suger at the end of the frying before I add the sauce. And adding a few minced olives to the frying works rather well.

I’d really love for you to do the hearts. The only recipes I can find for chicken hearts says to fry them, and I want them softer than that.

To be fair, I’m sure they’re not going to say “Yo, this is shit!” - I’m sure any criticism will be constructive and relayed in a non-destructive way. But yeah, I’m sure it will be pretty nerve wrecking to submit an outline to them. Thinking about it now, first drafts probably won’t be read by academy-award winners -

Nr 1 is the same as number 3: angles - shoot from every conceivable angle, it will teach you to instinctively choose better angles. In one of John Hedgecoe’s books he gives you this exercise to shoot front/sides/back/top/bottom, from standing up/knees/sitting/lying down.

Or you can just grind your own meat - and you can go as fine or as course as you want. 3/8 or 1/2" (10 to 12mm) makes a really nice course ground beef. Works really well for ground pork as well.

I like to use soft peppercorns in pepper steak sauce, but there isn’t a shop close to me that carries it - so I came up with the idea to soak regular black peppercorns in brandy. I did some in a nice decorative bottle, and when I ended up attending a bbq and didn’t want to go empty handed, I took the brandied

So if you’re on Lollipop or earlier, you must kill all location access to turn Uber’s off?

That ‘hack’ has been around for longer than Danny Seo has been alive.

Humectants, [...] encourage your body to produce more of its own waxy substances [...]

Google Recipes. Just like we have “News”, “Videos”, “Images”, we had “Recipes”. It had all sorts of options like tick boxes for ingredients etc.

Typo alert typo alert: “Commandeer”

Exactly. Antifaz is naming ingredients, not dishes. South Africa is the same - the majority of our ‘traditional’ dishes is rooted in other cultures. Even biltong (dried beef - similar to beef jerky, but it doesn’t get cooked at all) dates back to the Egyptians.

If there is one password I can never remember, then it is my Yahoo account. Each time it prompts me to re-log in, I change it to get in. Guess I’m good.

I’ve been using the Developer edition specifically for this for a couple of months, and it really does work very well. Nice to know I can switch to regular Opera soon.

At least you’d be more relaxed going through TSA.

I’ve always thought past a certain point in photography, art classes would be more usefull to teach you to ‘see’.

In a world where everyone is screaming ‘go green’, I am totally stumped at why you would want to cook onions for 8 hours.

Same here.

Yo, Allan. Can you edit your title to read “[...] Most Major American Airlines, ‘cos, you know, of other countries?