Cribbage Left

Why don't they just make the ccd a little larger? I understand that it would take a little more material to make the chips and lenses but inversely; lenses would be easier to engineer and build. Not to mention the gain in light sensitivity.

I blame your funny New England accent :P

I... uh... I forgot what I was going to say.

I would just like to say that Android's voice command feature is almost perfect. As long as there's no loud noises in the background, I can ask my phone the most obscure things and it will recognize them almost every time.

I only saw it in 3D because it came as a "freebie" with the double feature tickets I bought. It came with little HP glasses too. Not bad for a $20 midnight viewing.

I remember a time when you couldn't STEAL a better TV than a Sony. They just didn't exist. Nowadays, you have brands like Vizio coming out with TVs that actually outperform Sony's for LESS THAN half the cost.

I read somewhere that she lives a very "forward" lifestyle. Apparently she has both a husband AND a live-in boyfriend.

It's not pejorative. It's more of a contraction.

Who're you calling floppy-chinned?

HAHAHAHAAH!!! Good LOL my friend, good lol. I think it's the new layout. I'm always misreading headings too.

Event horizon was good. It was a little too "Hellraiser" for my taste. But hey, I love space horror and at least we got Sam Neil and Sir Laurence Fishburn. Also, that physicist guy from Lost was pretty good in that too.

It's Pandorum. I freaking loved it.

Those look like the most romantic urinals ever!

I had Velveeta "cheese" once. I didn't care for it.

I've always thought of Hasselblad as just an overpriced Mamiya... until maMamiya!! Japanese prices went apeshit at the turn of the millenium. System 6 forever!

Me and 4 friends just finished a "bug-eater" motorcycle trip from LA to Yellowstone. No windshields, no fairings, no radiators. Just some sleeping bags and whatever you can strap to the bikes.

lol. yeah i fucked up. corrected now thanks...

April 13th 2012: 0 seeders and 4 billion leechers on bit torrent.

Just make the ring do a giant punching fist! Problems solved. All of them!