
I mean, Lego Indiana Jones *is* actually really good.

I once asked a friend to make a character to help me grind out some multiplayer achievements in DragonBall Xenoverse.

Hail Paimon.

I just assumed the site was saving all the image-loading bandwidth to throw more god damn ads in my face. (Including a nasty screen-filling popup while I typed this!)

I guess the saves are still limited to 2GB too, I’m not sure how quickly that’ll fill up for 360 games.”

Hey, as long as he’s talking about slips, he might as well make a Freudian one.

I know that just about everything in my library will transfer without issue, but I do have my reservations about compatibility when it comes to peripherals. Specifically, I’m waiting to verify that the XBSX works with the Lego Dimensions and Skylanders portals before I make any decisions about getting rid of my XBOX.

I really hated Chrono Cross as a game, but GOD DAMN it has an amazing soundtrack.

Yup. I pretty much only play co-op games focused on PvE online now, with people that I know or that my friends know.

I suggest you look into the concept of “karoshi”: death by overwork. It’s a thing in Japan, and is suspected to claim as many lives in a year as vehicular accidents.

I already own Slayaway Camp and Costume Quest. You’re not wrong about the former being an indie game, but it’s certainly not trash. It’s one of my favorite puzzle games ever as it combines logic puzzles with blocky versions of gory 80s slasher movie murders.

What, is “Esports” the name of their newest pachinko machine?

I would be wary of this. It reminds me of when I “discovered” WCW pro wrestling in the late 90s and started watching because of how hilarious and fake the storylines were, and then 6 months later I realized I was actually pretty into it. I didn’t want to be “that guy,” and the stakes were much lower in my case.

“The Series S can play all the Xbox One and backward-compatible Xbox 360 games, but not in 4K.” Done.

I don’t suspect you’d really have to worry about not receiving your preordered product if a store closed. They would likely set a designated replacement store to pick up any preorders from and give people the option to switch to shipping (at an additional cost, of course) instead of pickup.

Dude, you are either hallucinating or have misread the comments. We’re talking about the Series *X*, which is large and in charge. Look at the last pic in the article, it’s a Series X standing next to an Xbox One... they’re similar in height and depth, but the Series X is nearly 5 times wider. Even on its side, I’ll

I think you might be a little too defensive regarding this article. Nothing negative is stated at all. I’m definitely getting a Series X once I upgrade to a 4K TV next year, and there’s really no arguing that it’s a big friggin box.

Ugh. I just went from “not really caring because Fortnite is dumb, but thinking it’d be interesting if Epic won against Apple” to “hoping Epic suffocates from having its head so far up its own ass.

It depends on the game and how close to the surface the story is.

I don’t know, I don’t actually think one needs to read too deeply to understand what the developers were going for in the original Battletoads on NES; it boils down to starting every sentence with “wouldn’t it be cool if...”