Heath is clearly #3, so you’re not wrong.
Heath is clearly #3, so you’re not wrong.
These are the objectively best Blizzard toppings. My only regret is that I have but one star to give you.
In that case, might I recommend you look into a pigeon dating sim called Hatoful Boyfriend?
Seriously, this.
It’s an emulator on PC, not a physical GameCube. Does your PC require a CRT TV?
This. I don’t really care about Mixer as a platform, but I am vehemently against Facebook integration with my Xbox. I shut down my FB account nearly two years ago and it’s honestly been a relief to not have to deal with.
That was a fun use of... *checks watch* nearly three hours? Yikes.
“And it’s always, in all circumstances, fine to walk in front of the screen when someone’s playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons.”
Psst, you called it "'Trails' of Mana" in the third paragraph. Too many JRPGs with similiar names out there. :)
Jesus. If nothing else, I’m impressed by how you've managed to double down on being a douche while choosing this as your hill to die on.
Insert "Not sure if serious" gif here.
“Speedrunners Can’t Stop Playing The Final Fantasy VII Remake Demo”
As a fellow IT guy, I work for a company that determined they don’t need on-site support if people are going to be working from home, so I was just laid off with a, “Thanks, we’ll call you if we need help again in 2-3 months.”
I wouldn’t say I’m proud of it, but I’m not really ashamed of my past, either; the CD is Type O Negative’s October Rust. It’s the only real holdover I have from my angsty goth phase (or at least, as goth as a kid who wasn’t allowed to wear black could be).
“grinding for experience points or farming for loot”
I do need to go back and grind through Xenoverse again at some point to finish my 1000 gamerscore for the game... I was playing it at a time when I was just moving into a new place and the internet was still flaky, so my achievement for maxing out the mentor relationship with Gotenks glitched out (and thus so did the…
I share that unpopular opinion with you. Super Metroid was great and all; Fusion was just better.
Oh, yeah, totally punched out the reporter in the first two games for her fear-mongering and misrepresentation. I felt like it would have been irresponsible not to.
Hah! I actually saw Laserblast 20 or so years ago, and rewatched the MST3K version when Netflix picked up the show and got some of the old episodes. It was not a good movie.
“trudging through the system’s somewhat clunky interface”