
Zelda 2 was always one of my favorite NES games too. It’s probably my 3rd favorite Zelda altogether, after Ocarina of Time and Link to the Past. I never had a copy on NES, though... I borrowed from a friend when I was a kid, and then eventually bought the re-release on GameBoy Advance when I was in college, which I

Stop Buying Canned, Chopped Tomatoes

That’s just poor planning on your part. You should have saved your PTO time and given notice to your supervisor that you’d be taking a vacation day well in advance.

King K. Rool had way too much vertical recovery for a heavy character, a nerf was in order.

Because then you could borrow someone else’s cartridge and install the character without actually buying the game. Not that it matters much, it’s not like the “free” character is game-changing or anything.  But they did specify it was free with purchase, and this is them keeping to their word, for better or worse.

... Which is exactly the point of registering the software.  You’re saying the digital ID from this cartridge is tied to my hardware/account.

It actually sounds more like he got prison time for not showing up to his court date.

I worked at GameStop for nearly 2 years part time at the tail end of the recession while searching for permanent work in my field. I almost got fired because I took a moral stand against not telling customers that we were putting resurfacing fees on damaged disc trade-ins. Management’s argument was that users could

Oof!  Just because it’s savage doesn’t mean it’s not true.

I saw his video for Window Licker back when I was in college and vowed to never, ever watch another Aphex Twin video.

Agreed that it’s weird, but registering the software is their way of keeping you from just installing one cartridge on 10 Switches and thus everyone receiving a Piranha Plant unlock.

Thanks for posting this, Cecilia.

Every poll for the month before the 2016 election said that Hillary was comfortably in the lead, which meant that people who didn’t really want to vote for her except to vote against Trump didn’t bother because the news mislead them into thinking that it wasn’t required.

The fact that I gave my Wii to my sister comes to mind. Also the fact that I don’t have anywhere to hook up a 12 year old console currently. Also the fact that I primarily play my Switch on the go, which you can’t do with a Wii.  And then there’s the $50+ price tag on a game from two console generations ago.

Yes please.  I never got the chance to play 2 and 3.

10/10, would draw dicks in blank space

To be fair, the electoral system in this country is kind of bullshit. States with lower population have more electoral power per capita, which unfairly skews elections against the wishes of the (current) majority. And a lot of red states, especially in the south, have terrible gerrymandered districts that likewise

If recent trends continue, then the Democratic party line will continue to try to appear “centrist”—where the current “middle” is actually right-leaning, because the extremely vocal far right is dragging the median in that direction, fuck logic and realityto try to appeal to near-right voters (with no effect) and end

Somehow his approval rating is still 36%*, which means that at least 36% of the country is made up a combination of complete morons and trolls who would rather see the country implode than let any politician with a “(D) next to their name make a policy decision.

WOPR said it best.