Crewman Number Six

Still love the NFL, but wouldn't argue with anything you say here. The rules have been tweaked enough to make it most advantageous to make big throws and hope for a catch or a PI call. That takes some of the creativity and fun out of QB play.

That's on the play calling, not the player. Most running QBs go through a sophomore slump as the team tries to rehab him into a pocket passer. And Kap is slowly making the adjustment, though I think many of his mistakes can be rectified if the coaches turn him loose to run a bit earlier in the game, which seems to

@zebbart— I'm not sure you've ever actually seen baseball.

Whining is what I do when I watch Joe Buck. I'm hating right now; there's a difference.

It's entirely possible that Buck is such an obnoxious douche that most teams feel like he's against them. That's a special gift, to engender hostility in your audience wherever you go.


I don't know, half the dilemmas and plot developments don't even involve Raylan, and their resolution often doesn't require his involvement. This is a much bigger story than just lawmen saving the day. And while Raylan has definitely been lucky on occasion, I wouldn't say he's portrayed as invincible.

LIOLI is horrible. So staged and predictable and obnoxious. I like PB better, but only because the hosts are charming.

Whereas harping on a personal interpretation of what resolutions "should" be and completely ignoring the actual point of a "here's what to watch this year" article is really fucking refreshing.

Thompson, is, yes, but I'd call hers one of the weaker performances in the show. But the rest of the cast is across the board wonderful, the language is sublime, and it doesn't come across as too dated if you keep the context (Reagan-era AIDS denial and fear) in mind.

I didn't watch the first 4 seasons of The Good Wife because the name (and the love-triangle ads) turned me off big time. That just looks and sounds…uch. Thank god for redemption through bingeing.

Liked for lemon difficult, which still makes me laugh.

Thus, the beauty of AV Club. Also America and Freedom.

Amazon has it, but it's pay for play. I thought it was worth it for the HD versions, since I don't get Sundance in HD.

Without a doubt, incredible. Again, I'd put her #2. I appreciate her talent and marvel at how convincing she is. But Cranston has made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. I went miles deep with him, and that counts more for me than a virtuoso technical performance.

I don't know…Maslany certainly wowed with the breadth and flexibility it took to convince me she was actually playing different people, but I'm not sure the performance called for the kind of subtlety and power that Cranston delivered in spades. I think Cranston 1, Maslany 2 was about perfect.