
Do NOT allow her nor any member of her family to profit off her memoirs. If they cannot block the ‘memoirs’ from selling to the public, then direct those proceeds to the Emmett Till Foundation as Ronald Martin stated today on TVONE, 1-30-2017.

Not just free of responsibility, this woman should not be free. She should be in ail for accessory to murder in the first degree. There’s no statute of limitations on murder, granny!

I wonder if Emmett has any family who could sue her in civil court for any money she makes from the book? That would serve her ass right.

Exactly, FreeRon!!!

All money from such a memoir should be given to Black Lives Matter, the Equal Justice Institute, and/or relatives of Emmett Till.

She was 21 at the time — she wouldn’t be the first young woman to marry a guy who seemed nice and later found out he was an abusive monster.

I know them better than you. I coached all of them since the were 7 years old. They can walk it off.

At 14, I don’t even know that you can call him a young man. He was a baby. And this asshole got him fucking killed.

There was an interesting article on Slate last year that had an in-depth analysis of what it means to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Trump nails pretty much every criteria. Most striking is how they can never be wrong, so if someone presents facts, figures or logic that means Trump is wrong, then that person

It amazes me.

It’s amazing isn’t it? I heard a report on the radio about a black man who was wrongfully accused of raping a white woman. It was obvious the police had the wrong guy, the rapist had chain smoked and the man they arrested had severe emphysema (he was also a voting-rights advocate, so you can guess they real reason

Yes, I can purty good actually. Our comments aren’t actually in conflict with one another - I’m pointing out that Ms. Donham is/was writing memoirs...she is, personally, according to Vanity Fair..

I don’t really want to defend this woman but do you really think a man who would abduct and murder a kid, white supremacy or not would think twice about beating the shit out of his girlfriend or wife? Women (and men) stay married to horrible people all the time because they’re afraid or otherwise browbeaten into

“When Carolyn herself [later] lost one of her sons, she thought about the grief that Mamie must have felt and grieved all the more.” Let me guess, her son was being falsely accused of harassing a pure white woman and subsequently tortured and murdered? If not, your grief is NOTHING compared to Mamie’s grief and the

I think anyone that would date and support a man that would do those horrific things to any other human has already shown what kind of person they are.

Same way all people like that do. Rewrite what happened in their minds so they were the victims, regardless of facts.

I don’t understand how she can live with herself. Holy shit.