
Am I the only person who doesn’t care about framerate? I think the game looks great. Then again, I don’t have a trained eye for this and don’t care to have one if it means raising my standards to a very high level that 95% of the games on the market seem unenjoyable. You have to remember that a majority of the gamers

The controls are more streamlined, but less responsive because for some reason they had to add a pretty little animation to everything. Relying on auto-dodge isn’t good as the game makes it clear that certain attacks can’t be auto-dodged, which means you need to press the dodge button with precise timing (the timing

Playing as a kid is exclusive to the demo. In fact, this demo is not part of the main game, it’s a separate storyline that gives a little bit of depth to the anime that square is putting out right now.

I personally don’t think that holding the attack button should combo.I button mash out of habit developed from playing Dynasty Warriors, but the hold option could be used better, like hold B for charge attacks. Holding B to just launch a combo attack takes away the level involvement that this style is supposed to

I think the problem with responsiveness lies in that the developers wanted each attack to have a flashy animation. IMO, it’s not good game design to have every single attack having an animation, it takes away from the intuitiveness/responsiveness that makes this type of game great. Only the big heavy hitters should

I feel that the problem with this demo in comparison to Episode Duscae is that the demo just throws you into the thick of things without any explanation. In Episode Duscae, it gave you an in-depth tutorial of how each combat mechanic worked and allowed you to learn the combat system before the big fight. In this demo,