I’m actually shopping them around right now ... working title is “Man in the Box”
I’m actually shopping them around right now ... working title is “Man in the Box”
Lol. That place is scary *all* the time.
Nope, but not that far off, either.
As an ex strip-club DJ (admittedly this was back in the 90's) all it took was me walking in and saying "I can do a better job that the asshole you've got in here now". I was told to come back for the Sunday afternoon shift (and let me tell you how scary the Sunday afternoon shift at New Jersey strip club is) and do my…
Wow, a douchey Pats fan. Who'da thunk it?
Plum Floating in a Bowler Hat Filled With Perfume Shandy
As a Seahawks Fan, I am overjoyed with that transaction ... so I'm pretty sure you got what is known as "the shit end" of that particular stick.
$7 a six pack??? I'm paying $17.99 for a case of golden refreshment.
Just wait until they’re old enough to pull this shit.
Here’s another quote from the Chairman, lest you think he might in some way be biased against President Obama.
The garage fridge has saved many a marriage and actually comes in handy on Thanksgiving and other major eating holidays.
I have watched NFL games on mute for about 5 seasons now. It's fan-fucking-tastic. My greatest fear is they'll start running live tweets across the bottom of the screen and then I'll have to put duct tape across the bottom of my screen.
As a parent of a teenage boy, I can honestly say the only time there’s ever been fear in that boys eyes is when he caught a glimpse of me striding towards him with narrowed eyes, and set jaw and nary a word spoken. I even got a “sir” thrown in at the end of each sentence he spoke to me.
In the trailer they keep showing Ted on trial singing Billy Vera and the Beaters as a way of proving he has soul *and* that convincing the African-American judge presiding over the court that he has soul. This perfectly encapsulates this pile of shit.
They sound like real "winners"
Ah. Well, that would make it tougher to pull off ... Still, if every other team just refused to play them ("Go ahead and have the win, we'd rather not suffer through six innings of your team's bad behavior") they might go find another league to torture.
You simply don’t show up at the scheduled time. Give the team the win and all meet up at local pub and enjoy your evening.
So don't play them. Pretty simple solution.
Arrested Development is almost as annoying as Wes Anderson flicks. ALMOST.