
Lloyd Blankfein

So were anti-biotics.

Hulu has them streaming.

It really takes a giant set of brass balls (slightly deflated, of course), to complain about the method used to catch your client in an illegal act. It matters not one iota if Brady was caught cheating via sting operation, hidden camera on PUNK'D, or via old-fashioned detective work. The salient fact is — he was

I came here to say this. Negra Modelo is perfectly fine beer.

Cicada Killers are smooth giant hornet-looking guys. Sounds like carpenter bees.

Carpenter Bees or Cicada Killers? Cuz despite the names, Carpenter Bees are nasty and Cicada Killers are big and scary looking and have a real bad habit of wanting to check things out (meaning fly at you and buzz around) but they are very mellow as far as stinging goes. You should make sure you know which ones you

Scrapple is nowhere near sausage without the casing. It's sausage without the casing mixed with a metric shit-ton of cornmeal. It's as horrible as it sounds.

Well, we not only elected Reagan, but have deified him, so yes.

Or, if you live in any of the myriad of places where cops have high speed automatic licence plate readers tied into the state DMV database, you could just get caught immediately and rack up hundreds of dollars in fines ...

I fail to understand anyone getting this excited over soup without the solids.

Hand the ball off to Beast Mode.

Nostalgia: It can make even Mtv Spring Break seem good.

I came here to post the same warning: do not purchase Grave of the Fireflies unless you want to watch one of the goddamn saddest (yet somehow brilliant and wonderful) movies ever made.

I came here to post the same warning: do not purchase Grave of the Fireflies unless you want to watch one of the

Clearly he's never been to East St. Louis.

This was a trick question ... they are all equally horrible.

Agreed. See: Anderson, Wes.

I'm amazed someone put their name to that.

Also overlooked in this mess is the fact that if one Colts player can touch the ball and realize that it's underinflated, then there's no way that Tom Brady could have used them all game and not known they were underinflated. He has no plausible deniability.

This also applies to Wall Street crimes.