
Yeah, but Kramer’s zaniest might bring some in.  I’m always puzzled how Jerry and George got the ladies they did - I mean, George with Christa Miller - just no.

John Mayer is like the Kramer of lame musicians. He’s always banging way above his weight class.

She also got with John Mayer, so whatever her cooking is like, she has horrible taste in men.

You can kill an elephant with just your wits and your bare hands, but most people just use a big-ass gun

ctrl+f on this piece and on the gq piece: “steroids” “hgh” 0 results found

Easier to just let the comment system slowly collapse than shut it down in one fell swoop.

I’m not sure there are enough narrative details about all these people’s varying grievances (what do people think the “hoax” is, exactly?), but there’s widespread chaos, and people want answers.

The BBC better go throw whatever money Jodie requires to stick around under an RTD-led season.

Casting a teen to play a teen isn’t always necessary. But it’s all about context. If Platt is a 27 year old that looks believably 34, opposite a 24 year old that looks believably 17? You’re off to a bad start getting me to buy into the premise.

It gets worse if the story then hinges on him making a huge mistake and

We had one guy in our freshman class who looked like he was 40. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was a professor. Now he looks the same and, of course, we all look like him.

Having actually seen this, I can confirm that Ben Platt’s age hits early and often.

I haven’t seen it and I’m not going to, but the TIFF review also mentioned the age and brought up your point about how age isn’t always disqualifying, noting that Tobey Maguire played Spiderman in HS at 27.

These movies are so uninteresting to me. I’d watch a movie about how the world of ballet actually works, and I’d watch some dramatic-ass artsy shit, but this catty soap opera shit is just annoying.

I mean, it doesn’t seem like a big mystery. Presumably she didn’t plan on getting into her history of sexual assault in a puff piece on the 25th anniversary of her biggest record. And yeah, she’s the one who said those things, but it seems likely that she had some degree of understanding they weren’t going to be given

It feels like such a weird miracle that The Fly was as big a hit as it was, especially given how vicious some of the reviews were. For all the raves it received (Gene Siskel, normally no friend to horror films back then, loved it), there was no shortage of critics who were aghast at how disgusting it was. 

I’m not saying that Gandalf *has* to look exactly like Ian McKellan, but there’s something off about that picture. He reminds me of the terrible cliche Merlin that appeared in Stargate SG1, or perhaps some Dumbledore. Hollywood wizard, not Gandalf.

Since the trailer dropped, aspects of my theory of the plot have been suggested by others, but here’s my take:

Doctor Strange appears to be the antagonist (to Peter) in a couple of the image from the montage. Maybe flubbing the spell affects Stephen more than he is willing to admit. Would be an interesting subversion, if our friendly neighborhood webslinger is the one who has to save the Sorcerer Supreme from his own hubris.

The coffee shop scene in Black Widow was done on a green screen. Just two women at a table talking, and they used a fully CGI environment.

This article is forgetting that Antonoff also produced large parts of the wildly acclaimed predecessors to Solar Power and COTCC, Melodrama and Norman Fucking Rockwell. I’m not saying he’s perfect or that I’m a huge fan, but clearly there’s a reason why these artists want to work with him, and the idea that he’s some