
The expectations for each movie are very different.

I’d go with “Tom has the most expensive mask money can buy because that is what the studio would make him wear in public to protect their investment. It probably has N95 replaceable filters and is not an off the shelf valve mask.” He’s crazy enough to do his own stunts, but I don’t think he’s crazy enough to put

Respirator > surgical mask > valved mask w/ filter > cloth mask >>>>>> poorly fitting mask of any kind >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no mask

Christian Bale was what? Goddammit.

That would be a crazy twist indeed.

Fine, I’ll say it: Batman makes more sense as a black guy. The corruption and ineptness of most of the GCPD is way more reflective of the black experience of policing. Does the idea that you have to dispense street justice yourself because you’re not getting any help from the system really sound like the perspective

Sam, I’m beginning to doubt your commitment to SparkleMotion.

Yeah, yeah, I know that everybody’s fond of the music they listened to in high school, but can’t somebody draw the line at “All the Small Things”? Punk so watered down it’d probably qualify as homeopathy. Hearing the line “surprises let me know she cares!” made me wanna punch something. The Starland Vocal Band would

It has all the hallmarks of neu-AV...misleading headlines, rambling blocks of text, obligatory and irrelevant anti-trump comment in case we forgot.

Well, the headline of the article says its a Death Cab for Cutie song, and they included an image of Death Cab’s Ben Gibbard in the article teaser, so if you’re still wondering at that point if the linked video is a Death Cab for Cutie song I don’t know how else to explain it to you. it wasn’t actually turned into a Death Cab for Cutie song then

Dearest A.V Club,

So, two things about the first letter. First:

Yeah, I don’t know what the ethics of an advice columnist are, but I feel like Dan should have been a bit more blunt on that one.

I realize that the answer to “How can I get this unfaithful and dishonest coworker out of his marriage without making him uncomfortable or jeopardizing our totally long-lasting and mutual

I’m a dude, but I feel like I can add onto what you’ve said:

I’d totally watch a zombie show that was about how ineffectual and dangerously incompetent leadership at the top led to a weak federal response, meaning that every time it seems like states get the zombie plague under control it just pops up elsewhere. You don’t even have to make it a full collapse like they usually

So.. a new adaptation of World War Z that does a little more than skim the source material?

Yeah, “A Beginning Song” would probably make a top ten list of Decemberists songs for me. That melody is beautiful, and the lyrics are some of the most personal and heartfelt that Colin has ever written (not usually a quality that I’d use to describe his lyrics). It’s just really bittersweet and captures that feeling

How dare you blaspheme against “The Mariner’s Revenge Song,” you heretic!

I’m still in shock that someone could put together a playlist that is meant to represent The Decemberists and leave off both Leslie Ann Levine and The Legionnaires Lament.