
Hope this turns out for the best but God it's bleak. Is the Glee cast cursed or something?

Surely I can’t be the only one who thinks that scrubbing things clean and pretending no blackface ever happened is worse than acknowledging how culture has changed by putting a warning before the episode.

“So we’ve decided that no one will actually turn into an animal until the last five minutes of the film. We want this to be accessible to people who haven’t read the books.”

It’s fascinating how Disney paid millions for the rights to these books and then decided to remove the main thing that makes them interesting. The entire hook of the Artemis Fowl novels is that the title character is a supervillain, but in the movie, he’s not. He’s just some kid who misses his dad. Remove the

I give this movie all the credit in the world for one of the most sophisticated lessons I’ve seen a children’s movie deliver, and a refutation of so many other cliche children’s stories: sometimes, having a dream, believing in yourself and working really, REALLY hard is still not enough to guarantee you’ll get what

I think it’s worth saying that not only does this movie do a tremendous job of portraying sadness, it does an even more powerful job of portraying depression and despair. In many stories those are shown as just being “sad, but MORE sad.” But it’s a different thing, similar but not congruent to sadness. Riley’s

I would like to commend Pixar for featuring parents in several of their movies who are actually good parents, who really try hard and do the best they can. So much children’s entertainment is based on parents who are idiots or absent.

“This film is going to be a disaster! I wish there were some excuse for shunting it to streaming that won’t look like an admission of failure.”

Now playing

It’s okay to be wrong, we’re all just... lost in the woods sometimes. :D

I liked this movie a lot. It was just a solidly put together kids movie. The characters were sweet. Schwartz was a wonderful Sonic. It was also the last movie I saw in theaters before the quarantine. I remember the kids being so hyped at the end when Tails showed up. So, you know what? I trust ‘em. Definitely seemed

I always half-wondered if there was some kind of purge by Rappaport before things took off because it seems implausible for any test kitchen to have this many charismatic, talented people that actually work this well together. I know there are still a lot of ‘background’ staff in the kitchen who don’t get that focus

The intertwining timelines of It’s Alive: Sourdough-nuts and Gourmet Makes: Starburst are an amazing hit of shared cinematic universe, it’s great

I kinda understand her rational for pulling the book, especially the part about it being a violation.

This sounds like a well thought out casting decision that won’t have any social or cultural repercussions.

My working theory has been that Morton’s British accent sounded to “artificial” for American audiences, who were quite used to hear such accents from things like GPS systems. Jones has always said Morton did a great job, but never indicated precisely what was “wrong” with her performance. So my guess is that it was

I find the plot of accidentally killing a sex worker kind of revolting. I remember thinking it was gross when I watched Very Bad Things back in high school, but I couldn’t quite articulate why. Now I can say that the lives of these workers are so often devalued in the real world that treating the death of a stripper

Amy Adams does such a wonderful job in this film. Her character isn’t in that many scenes and could easily fall into a bunch of underdeveloped “best friend” tropes. But instead she comes across as a fully developed human being with genuine chemistry with Theodore that is able to bring out the best in him.

I still want to hear the Samantha Morton version.

They canceled recaps in the middle of a two parter? That’s... an interesting decision.