
The Emoji movie was a success for Sony, though - it wasn’t a smash hit but it was cheap and earned a tidy profit. 

Honestly, this kind of thing is a problem for me with *most* comics. Drawing faces from different angles is really hard, so if the artist isn’t really strong, characters will have slightly different faces panel - to - panel. It’s really hard for me to get invested in characters when they don’t look like the same

It’s not her fault or anything, but that kid definitely knew it wasn’t normal candy - no 5th grader finds candy around the house and then brings it to school to share. You hide that stuff in your room to savor on your own time!

I had to google to make sure that wasn’t a real song by them I just hadn’t heard yet

The Clara-only version actually sounds kind of neat, and could have been really touching if done well. The Doctor has always been larger than the particular actor playing him, after all. 

I suspect that moving Deadpool 2 is Fox calling Disney’s bluff - they’re gonna push back Solo, and that’ll leave Deadpool in a prime spot.

These are both so painfully generic that I have a hard time believing anyone would bother to plagiarize them. It’s like two people independently tried to come up with the most bland wedding song they could think of, and since they’re both working off the same template, they ended up in a similar place.

I thought it was a great film, and I didn’t have any issues with Dixon’s character or arc, but I do think it’s a valid criticism that the film isn’t really interested in its black characters. They’re sort of blandly sympathetic, but we’re never really given their perspective or asked to empathize with them. And I do

I remember reading a article a while back (though I can’t find it now) about how laundry pods are actually a real danger to people with dementia. I guess you can reach a point where you’re mentally aware enough to recognize that it looks like candy, but not mentally aware enough to stop eating when it doesn’t *taste*

Yeah, delayed release can be a sign of trouble, but in this case there’s a good chance this is actually a sign of faith in the movie - moving it to a better slot in the calendar. 

Someone actually did a really neat breakdown of the changes made to the script after it was picked up by JJ Abram’s studio. I don’t think the original ending was ever filmed.

I can’t imagine being such a neat freak that I found hotel rooms cluttered. Usually I find them barren and sterile - I feel much happier once I’ve spread my stuff around a bit.

I can see the benefit of this for older phones, but... Apple is still selling both the 6s and 7 new. I sincerely hope that the fact that replacing the battery fixes it means that newer phones won’t be affected, because I’d be very angry to find they’d slowed down my brand new phone for no reason. 


I read a short book containing his translations of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, and Sir Orfeo. It’s hard to judge translations when you aren’t familiar with the original, but I found it enjoyable. He’s good at keeping poems readable without resorting to loosening the poetic form.

I just looked it up, since I had the same “that’s not possible!” reaction, and apparently there’s a weird loophole where if you’re an Episcopalian/Anglican priest, you can covert to Catholicism and become a Catholic priest, even if you’re married. 

I’m very curious about the chances of this getting blocked by regulators. Disney is clearly very confident, considering the “breakup fee”, but it’s hard to believe this won’t fall afoul of anti-trust laws given how dominant Disney already is in the film industry. 

Yeah, I’m really hoping they keep the X-Men films separate from the MCU. I love the MCU but they’re all about consistency (you go to an MCU film and you know what you’re getting), whereas the strength of the X-Men films has been standalones which step outside the box (see: Deadpool, Logan). No one wins by bringing

Why are these accusations always so weak? That’s not even similar enough to merit a “huh. what a weird coincidence. 

That’s a good point - it wouldn’t surprise me to find this was an outtake from back when Carrie and Lowell was going to be ‘Oregon’, before he decided to keep the record more focused on his personal experiences.