
That’s likely true for Marvel, but there’s no reason they had to tell the IMAX CEO that. It’s possible they spun him a bunch of bullshit about how this was going to be the next big thing, and now he’s realizing that he got conned.

Yeah, he seems to have never considered that he could just... not make any more movies with Weinstein.

Wasn’t this a plot in Animorphs?

As long as they don’t do the opposite - make a big deal about Tony dying in Avengers 3, then have him pop back up in Avengers 4 and say “oh yeah that was just a Skrull infiltrator that died, really I was fine the whole time!”

I wonder if she’d get satisfaction from the fact that her architecture was so interesting that people are still coming to tour the house she built, almost 100 years later.

To be fair, “a dog crawled in here to die and its bones lay under the floor for years, undiscovered” is creepy in its own way :(

“Until I found out about the movie’s reeeeeaaaaaalllly long runtime, I figured Blade Runner 2049 would easily make what they were predicting on its opening weekend”

Yeah, I remember seeing something about the Winchester Mystery House on TV when I was a kid, and I was dying to visit. I imagined it as this classic “haunted mansion” out in the middle of the woods.

And then I drove by it on the way to the mall a million times as a teen. It’s surrounded by two freeways, a hip shopping

Honestly, this doesn’t sound as bad as I expected. That’s a pretty classic Tolkien character arc really - a character wants to do good but goes about it by grasping for power and ends up corrupting himself and doing a lot of evil instead.

I think it’s meant to encompass people like the “Dreamers” who were brought into the country as young kids and thus can’t really be considered to have broken the law.

Well, yes, you could make the story about a native american girl on a reservation and a native american boy living in a big city, and it could capture the original’s themes fairly well. I’d like to see it! But I’ll eat my socks if that actually happens.

Well, there’s certainly a big urban / rural cultural divide in the US, but it doesn’t really involve the kinds of themes the movie is concerned with. You don’t really have the same sense of “these are traditions and a way of life that’s been around for centuries” in the rural US. Centuries ago in the US there would

I loved Your Name, but so much of its charm was in the setting, and the way it juxtaposed rural and urban Japan. It’s hard to imagine the story transposed to the US without becoming something different entirely.

Could this be somewhat inspired by the aftermath of the Ebola outbreak a few years ago? I know there were reports that many survivors faced a stigma due to fear that they might still be infectious. And while blown out of proportion, it wasn’t an entirely irrational fear - it turned out Ebola can linger in semen and

I’m skeptical about the whole “set in Japan” thing, but it’s clever how they leave the human characters’ dialog untranslated, so you get a language barrier between the humans and the dogs without having to resort to cheesy tricks.

Stronger honors his resistance to being labeled a hero by refusing to unambiguously depict him as one”

Damn, I bet WB is not happy. I wonder if they’ll push WW2 back to the spring.

It’s such a baffling casting decision. When I first saw the trailers, I assumed the leads were teenage siblings. Which honestly would have been interesting - I don’t think that’s been done before in an action movie.

I think you’re right, though I wonder if “we don’t have enough budget anymore to have so many main cast members” factored into the decision making as well.

I was wondering the same thing - it seems like it shouldn’t be so difficult to make flood-resistant houses, in much the same way people in earthquake zones build earthquake-resistant houses.