
To be fair, 5 good seasons is a lot more than most shows pull off. The problem isn’t that they squandered a good premise, it’s that they refuse to move away from that premise even long after it has run out of potential. They need to start really committing to their new ideas and stop reverting back to the status quo.

I think it’s intentional, so that the person riding can put their foot down when they start to tip over. It may not be ideal for long-term riding, but if you’re struggling to go more than a few feet...

They made a little digital Paul bakery! Man, that’s some excellent attention to detail right there.

Don’t all current humans have common ancestors that date from long after we started walking upright? It just doesn’t seem possible for some people to be “less evolved for walking”.

I feel like it’s several decades past the time when we should be getting excited by “we made an all-girl team!” stunts. It just feels very... “Girl Power!” Haven’t we moved past that yet?

This is a bit off topic, but it’s actually common for buildings to be designed to sway during an earthquake, it’s not necessarily something to be worried about. The buildings you really need to stay away from are those built from brick or stone, or other materials that are prone to crumble.

Yeah, one of the sad ironies of charity is that often the most effective way to accomplish their goals isn’t what’s best from a donors perspective. Disaster relief donations are far more effective if they’re given *before* the disaster strikes, but donors prefer to respond to a crisis as it’s happening. And then there

As far as I’m aware, MSF generally discourages earmarked donations - they prefer to keep a general fund in place that they can dip into when disasters strike. This allows them to react quickly, rather than waiting for fundraising to go through. They’re usually one of the first organizations to get boots on the ground

Shrinking populations have their own set of problems - you end up with too many elderly people and not enough young folks to support them. But currently that’s only an issue for countries like Japan that don’t allow large-scale immigration.

If you’re using a good quality loose leaf tea (where the leaves are still whole rather than broken up), that method works fine. That’s how I drink my green tea. Though of course you can’t take the leaves out to stop the brewing, so it might end up too strong if you don’t drink quickly.

If you’re using a good quality loose leaf tea (where the leaves are still whole rather than broken up), that method

For every family in the US with 10+ children, there’s 10 childless couples. The US fertility rate is 1.86 kids per woman, well below replacement. If it weren’t for immigration we’d be shrinking. And the same holds true for pretty much all first world countries.

Just because the hypothesis turned out to be false doesn’t mean it wasn’t a valid hypothesis worth testing. Regressive autism tends to crop up at the same ages that kids are getting lots of vaccines, so it’s logical to look for a connection there. Now we know there isn’t one, and that’s useful knowledge.

There was a big discussion about this when the trailer came out, it’s a tricky issue. Basically, anyone who adapts Peter Pan has to decide what to do about the native american characters because the way they are depicted in the source material just doesn’t fly anymore. The “best” option is to make them more realistic

I’m a language nerd, so I get a kick out of the saga of “ticket”, which crossed the English Channel at least 4 times in various forms:

Honestly, I think this is the way to go - you’re never going to be able to predict the future accurately, so why not just have fun with it?

Is that an official trailer? Because it looks like one of those terrible random-clips-of-my-slash-pairing-set-to-my-favorite-song fanvids that are all over youtube.

There's more than one rape in Liveship Traders - don't forget Serilla - and some of the slavery stuff is pretty dark. But overall I agree with you - Hobb has a much rosier view of human nature than Martin does, and her characters at least get happy endings.

Plan B was to send out a bunch of frozen embryos to colonize one of the planets around the black hole. This would save humanity as a species, but doom everyone still on Earth. Plan B worked fine, though it would have gone a lot smoother if it weren't for Dr Mann lying. But in any case, we see Brand at the end on her

.... and now the article title has been quietly changed.

I'm pretty sure there's a misunderstanding here - the video just shows bees being fed on a flatbed truck, not transported. There's no way this would work for transport - for one, all the pollen would fly off the truck. Plus of course it's only workers that forage, and if you want to move a colony you have to move the