
Is that just... the exact same person repeated 5 times with different color hair?

I don't know. I think studios have been moving away from the traditional summer release dates for big films because they figure that if people are excited enough for a film they will go out to the theaters even if normally they'd be doing other things. So if anything I'd say a March release date is a vote of

Wow I hadn't thought of it that way, but you're right - the first Avengers made over $600 million domestically, so I'd put the losses from the full Age of Ultron leaking at *at least* 100 million. Likely twice that. They really aren't going to want to take that chance.

A single study on 92 people found a slight effect - that seems awfully preliminary to be getting worried about. Interesting, though!

0.6 percent isn't rare, that's actually common enough that I'm having trouble believing it. That would make almost a million people in the US with a micropenis.

I find the whole concept of "detoxing" to be the worst, personally. Not only does it have no relation to how our bodies actually function, but even if it were true that our bodies needed to eat only toxin-free foods every once in a while, something like white rice would be a far better candidate than fruits and

I drink decaf, and it still tastes amazing to me. (Well, decent quality decaf at least)

Life expectancy averages include infant mortality.

Yeah, I'm not sure you can separate the actor's performance from the animation enough to justify giving the actor alone an award. But mo-cap is becoming common enough that maybe they could just create a new "best mo-cap performance" award, awarded jointly to the actor and animators.

Cutting out entire categories of foods is kind of dangerous psychologically, because it can lead to downward spirals like this:

Really? I barely remember the show itself, I was really young. What I remember is that when playing my friends and I would all choose different ponies to "be" and they all had different powers. No one else liked the teleporting one because it didn't have wings, but I loved jumping around pretending to teleport

Yeah, Wendigo. That was actually the first episode I saw - I skipped the pilot for some reason. I remember being really unimpressed, but I kept going because the TWoP recaps were so funny. Glad I did!

Anyone remember the name of the pony who could teleport? That was the favorite one as a kid and I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Have you ever seen episode 2 of Supernatural? It's really crappy. The MOTW is lame, the character stuff is lame, it's just not good on any level. These kind of shows often need time to find their voice.

I'm not sure the whole it's-basically-Supernatural thing will really hurt this show, any more than being a retread of CSI has hurt NCIS for example. A lot of people really like Supernatural's MOTW stuff, and that show is definitely on its last legs now - this could be its spiritual successor.

I'm not sure it's fair to compare a show like Misfits to Constantine - Misfits had 6 episode seasons, Constantine is likely going to have to pull off 22+ episodes. It's very, very hard to make a good serialized show with that many episodes in a season - a certain amount of formula and filler is inevitable.

At what point do we decide to just throw our hands up and let it go extinct? Adapt-or-die is pretty much how nature functions.

It is! It's not sung but at the start of the song the guy says "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Mambo #5".

Quarantines aren't perfect, but we have plenty of good evidence that they work for Ebola. It's how pretty much every outbreak so far has been beaten. For a recent example look at Nigeria.