Calvin's Johnson

In Soviet Russia, you do not find Jesus, Jesus find you!

It’s almost as if Manish is ABC’s attempt at another terrible sitcom.

+1 Fatwa

Sympathy?! Not with such a wonton disregard for the rules.

The shirt checks out.

CTE: Completely Tabular Earth

Then there was the time some people beat the living shit out of Bill Simonson outside of a Sox game when he.....

Well, that ends any hope of a Natty for Colorado State.

Somebody better check that Lue for Syphilis.

That’s a bit of a gray area.

He fucked up when he ordered Protestant whiskey when he should have ordered Catholic whiskey. Ya bleedin’ thick ya!

I think your argument has a chink in its armor.



Y banana?

You are right. The Octagon would have been much better.

I don’t know, his take comes out kind of flat.

Ok, I get it. Skipper abused Gilligan. But did he touch Ginger’s ass?

They are not the same thing. If the AED did not advise a shock, it was because the rhythm did not indicate a shock was advised and CPR should be continued.

It probably was, considering it’s a FUCKING ARTIFICIAL TREE!