Calvin's Johnson

Put a nail in him, he’s done.

Hopefully that storm is not taking nitrates as this may result in an unsafe drop in barometric pressure.

Just when the Giants thought they had everything within their grasp, something fell through the cracks.

David Garrard had the Bowles defense, and look where that got him.

Yea, but #CJK5H

Holy apostrophes, Batman. (Note the lack of apostrophe in apostrophes, you grammatical cretins)

Enough with the Haight.

Yea, what were they going to do? It’s the Baird, oops, Harvard way...

Cleveland fan?

I didn’t know he was a Sixers fan.

Bortles is a problem, yes. But just wait until Jacksonville’s owner has to play the Redskins.

Never trust a urologist named Dick. Too close to his job.

“...presumably watching from home...”

I find his accusations to be a bit cavalier.

He’s certainly no threat to the Bills.

Al Bundy would. Dammit, Al Bundy would.

The McRib is McFucking awesome. Don’t blaspheme.

Pennywise? You sure?
