
I had to laugh at that even though I'm a total hop fiend.

I'm sorry life didn't work out for you.

Lark Voorhees has some serious mental and physical issues going on right now. Google her. Considering she was in the original show Good Morning Miss Bliss and was such a major player on the show, she was probably asked to rejoin for this. It's a good bet that she was unable to attend to due to actual medical issues.

And yet has continually provided excellent content on his show and the Tonight Show since. I didn't like him either to be honest, but he's won me over with his passion for what he is into and what he does. Seriously. This was just icing.

Thank you for your submission to the "Post That No One Will Ever Like Contest."

a man can only be called "screech" so many times before he starts stabbing dudes.

I loved the "There's No Hope With Dope" sign.

Yeesh, you've got a few...issues counselor. At least you're doing your best to combat the stereotype of personal injury lawyers as smarmy jerks who graduated in the bottom half of their class.

If your response to people who are joking around is to get really offended and call people virgins, maybe Deadspin isn't for you.

Aw, don't be like that. It's just that sometimes it's kind of obvious who has half a semester of Criminal Procedure under their belt and can't wait to tell folks about what's wrong with this episode of Law & Order.

So how is 1L CrimPro going for you so far?

I think you mean to say "discrepancy" and "discrepancies" instead of "dependency" and "dependencies".


What a useful and insightful comment that definitely had to be made, was witty, and started a worthwhile discussion. In no way do I want you to jump off a tall bridge.

Yep, that'll do it. 800 for you on Verbal.

How can you hear his SAT score through a computer screen?

What a shitty quarterback. He can't even beat measley Jax.

Anyone else starting to get a late 70s decaying Soviet Union vibe from ESPN? Bloated, monolithic, lumbering—decades past any early energy or creativity. The creaky Politburo believes its own propaganda, and expects comrades & dissidents alike to swallow the party-line Pravda.

missed the part where I asked for a lawsuit? all I said was that's disrespectful. friends or not, they're on national TV, shit gets taken out of context all the time. that's why we're here dropping hot takes.

Yup, this exactly.