
Is it just me, or did the Sheriff's Department seem, dare I say, civil and helpful? It's just me, right?

Since when did printed material cease being visual?

You're absolutely correct. I truly believe that the success of the books were due to equal parts story and artwork. No offense to the new artist, but he's turning the entire spirit of what made them so memorable/scary into a cartoon/caricature. I'd even go so far as to say that the artwork is the only part of the

If there's one takeaway from this video....that new Battleship movie is going to suck.

I you were able to read, you would have noticed that the "it" the commenter was referring to was Tourette's syndrome. Instead, you decided it was in everyone's best interest to try and make an incredibly weak joke and come off looking like a dipshit. It worked!

You're right. Even if it weren't sarcasm, it would have been trolling and, either way, I'm a jackass. Apologies to all. Now wtf is my coffee?

It's the regulation that makes that illegal in the first place. Get rid of the regulation, expect rivers of all kinds of shit.

Now playing

He battled droids and storm his garage....

It appeared to be backing up, so chances are it's an intergalactic garbage vessel making a dropoff. Is it any surprise that we reside in the universe's landfill?

I think the US government would like us to believe that, but for the most part we know that it's basically just the US & Cuban governments in a pissing match at the expense of the poor Cuban population. Trumped up for dramatic effect.

Either that, or the Sega CD is making a comeback.

This looks like a Sega CD game. Also, I'm pretty sure the "film's" title is in Comic Sans.

Mexico is part of North America, big guy. Anywho, Bane was from some fictional island of vague Latin origin.

Hey guys! I don't suppose they address the nighttime issue in the video somewhere, do they? I sure do hope someone out there can let me know!

They also, just this week, announced their new show Lillyhammer with Little Stevie from The Sopranos.

I agree. If the mist was just rendered a little more realistically it wouldn't have been a dead giveaway. Really good compositing, though.

I refused to comment on that article. That assclown was just trolling for page views and comments. Besides, anyone who posts videos to something called should not be taken seriously. AWESOME comment, btw.

I gotcha. I thought you were referring to someone in the immediate audience. You really had me thinking there was some pro-Kim Jong-Il faction milling about in the comments section.

Who likes him? That's news to me.