Creepy Stranger

The gray club is a quiet, lonely place. At least we have each other.

How dare you bring Ivanka into this.

She did come pre-packaged from a far away place and got his name stamped on her, so sure.

I really feel like it’d be inappropriate to consider a SCOTUS nominee in the middle of the campaign like this. We should really wait until the election and let the voice of the American people be heard.

lol. Someone must have changed the channel to USA, because I just watched a Burn Notice.

I envy your dark sky living, telescopic device owning world. You get the best show in the universe every night. Where I live I’m happy if I spot Venus once in a while.

All of my exes must be THRIVING in life right now.

Damn you, autocorrect!

Yeah, but you have to admit, it’s pretty good verse.

In the United States, we’ve been primed to believe that wealth comes from hard work and intelligence. Since Trump is wealthy, this line of thought goes, he must be pretty smart. And, he’s saying the things his supporters “are all thinkings”. Isn’t that what we kept being told during the campaign? “He says what I’m

the idea of an individual negotiating effectively on their behalf, in a job where there is little leverage (lets say working at a super market, or a manual laborer at a construction site) is non existent. You could say “Well then become more valuable so you have some leverage” but the issue is we have people doing

The upside is that in recent years, it’s been big business fighting back against RFRA laws. Indiana backed down when Angie Hicks (Indianapolis based Angie’s List) threatened to immediately move some 20,000 employees out of Indiana the night Pence signed it. He backed down. And who’d’a thunk the NFL and NCAA would pull

The thing is, there’s no longer a need for homophones to bludgeon LGBT people over the head with bald-faced bigotry, because now we have the “religious freedom” cop-out as a backdoor to treat us like garbage.

I think he’s also the first to mention “American carnage,” which is such an exciting, motivating concept.

I love how “religious freedom” means discriminating against gay people, while at the same time, they’re trying to keep Muslims out of the country.

I read that bit and thought, lowest bar ever?

He’s a man of action! Decisive! Bold! Saving Greater America from carnage! No time for your Congress or laws. Don’t you see? The hordes are at the arrival gates!

This is what his supporters believe or want to believe, and what he (Bannon) wants them to believe. Because getting a visa as a refugee is a one-week process. Right.

You are using logic and rational thought. Stop it!