For real, you aren’t responsible for the operations your country and superiors conduct under your voluntary service. I don’t give a shit what happens, there’s no dishonour in serving your country.
For real, you aren’t responsible for the operations your country and superiors conduct under your voluntary service. I don’t give a shit what happens, there’s no dishonour in serving your country.
Yes, they loathe it when we launch our freedoms and liberties into their wedding parties and kill dozens of people, or when we sell our freedoms and liberties to the Saudi government to help them kill civilians in Yemen. Assuming we live through Donald’s presidency, I’m going to be more proactive about holding…
I think a lot of stuff like this happened under Obama as well (maybe more drone strikes and fewer raids?). But I also think that it’s going to get far, far worse under Donald. He’s so concerned with seeming tough, and has so little capacity to make good careful decisions and so little concern for other people…
As a former Alabamian, I beg of you to please read this while he was ATTORNEY GENERAL:
“I hope they play all their hit.”
It does makes perfect sense, his current wife said she has 2 kids, Baron and this one.
It would have been Jan 2007 that I went.
It was. Technically you didn’t have to go but what 14 year old is going to miss their field trip? I asked my mom why she let me go and her response was “I was a single parent working 3 jobs so I didn’t have time to think about it” Fair.
Once in a PP I stood behind a poor young man whose roommate’s ex girlfriend had purportedly slathered random objects in their shared apartment with gonorhea infected vaginal secretions. Apparently it was a bad break up. This poor dude had no insurance.
Right? I’ve been tested at a Planned Parenthood! Planned Parenthood helped me, a puny little man with weak manparts who is surely a liberal cuck! I’m sure these big strong men who just want to defend innocent little babies from the predation of circling abortion harpies could use some free STD testing from time to…
None of them know that Planned Parenthood can help them even though they have penises, because they can use them to pee in a little cup and have some tests run to see if they have any ghastly sexually transmitted diseases or infections . . . you know, should something like that happen to be a cause for concern?
Did you ever think you’d be longing for the great speeches George W. Bush made?
“We look to have a great relationship with all countries, ideally, unfortunately that won’t necessarily happen, unfortunately probably won’t happen with many countries, but if we could have as we do with Prime Minister May, and the relationship we’ve all developed, and even the short relationship that we’ve just…
Thank you.
I have been saying this for five years, and it’s utterly insane that we are keeping this bad marriage together for as long as we have. There is no middle ground between red and blue america. I have more in common with Canada than I do with Mississippi, and I don’t think there will ever be a presidential…
States like MA and NJ receive less federal tax dollars than places like Mississippi. So, as a Massachusetts resident I subsidize your shitty schools, wonderful roads, and white supremacy. The reddest of red states like Mississippi and Tennessee keep their state taxes low to non-existent by covering a large part of…
As if the states themselves aren’t divided... Ever look at a county map of election results? I get where you’re coming from, but what I think needs to happen is the people who vote against their interests need education. They’re about to get it the hard way.
I’m already scared, but I’ll be terrified when they install telescreens everywhere.
Really? The flash bang was loud? Shocking. I am shocked.
I’ve seen a few things about how the marchers are fat and it’s like ... so? I mean, clearly, to these people fat women aren’t human and thus don’t count. It still takes a certain level of stupidity to not be able to come up with a better insult than that. Like, it’s not saying our policies are wrong, that we’re…
This is how the Trump administration will put over the dismantling of American civil society for the next four years: by banking on whipped, boot-licking reporters so committed to the performance of empty impartiality and the maintenance of access