Creepy Stranger

Anecdotal evidence may not be representative of the whole, but it can be illustrative of fractures in an otherwise solid institution. I served this country, and so does my wife, and we’re honestly both afraid of what the future holds and conflicted about following this waffle’s orders. I went to a war I didn’t agree

“This wild-ass year will never cease until it gives every one of us a heart attack, a seeping ulcer, and a probably false sense of hope” I guess two out of three ain’t bad, except in this case

“God, can Ted Cruz ever catch a break?”

Heh. “Unorthodox”

That makes much more sense, thanks! Wizards > Golem. Team wizard!

In urban areas, most animals are protected. I want to take some arrows to the raccoons in my yard, but it’s cruel, apparently.

Every time I see this I see that trajectory lead and think this kid needs to be a sniper

Why do Martians hate us?

This isn’t io9! Just kidding, good analogy!

I totally understand. Most of my friends are flipping out right now, as am I, mentally. But we’re sitting on a powder keg and we have to be better than those who we oppose. I’m so so so frustrated and I feels ya. Keep your head up and don’t lose hope

“But they say that word among each other, so we can say it, too.” These people never grew into adults. Their bodies did, but mentally, they’re still the immature playground bullies they’ve always been. Just goes to show, just because you have pubes, don’t mean you’re an adult.

Jesus, please tell me you’re kidding or exaggerating

Welcome to Costco, I love you

Education is the greatest equalizer

I’m with you most of the way, but hate is what caused this. There shouldn’t be fighting fire with fire. While Trump is not prepared to run this country, taking a scorched earth approach, in my opinion, is not the way. Get active in your community, maybe convince people that midterm elections are actually important,

They can’t. And we will not.

An hour and a half meeting can sway his opinion on public policy wildly. Well, get ready for the next few years of meetings

I considered this too, then shuddered at the thought of who would take his place. Trump may be incompetent, but Pence is straight up evil, and he knows how to play the game

Don’t worry, I’m a non white, straight male who is also concerned about the future of all of us (non exclusively inclusive of the aforementioned parties) keep on keeping on, yo

Didn’t mean to send this directly to you, been drinking. Also, my wording could have been better, though they encapsulate (not aimed at you, I swear) my general feels. Going to bed now. I’ll still be gray tomorrow so don’t worry