Creepy Stranger

I agree, and this election caused so much seemingly irreparable damage, that i just can’t conceive how much a Trump/Pence presidency can cause in the course of years, backed by a friendly Congress, at least 1 Trump appointed supe judge, and all the fucking member berries that yearn for the 1950 can do. Don’t usually

Yeah, leave it to a Mike Huckabee thread to make me go get some Abuelita. Maybe I’ll try it your way

Wait. Could it be possible we’ve both been victims of this particularly virulent child-vectored evil?

Regardless of who is elected, there will likely be a new, shiny war. Just sucks that it’s nigh inevitable and the “I told you so” crowd is waiting in the wings

My mom always made the hot chocolate abuelita and added a small piece of gouda to melt inside. Not as gnarly as it sounds

Add rum

“Sending our Love Down the Well” - thanks for reminding me I’m older than The Simpsons

Yeah, funny thing is, handing me free booze and weed will not only not change my vote, it’ll also make sure I vote with an extra wide smile

Teenagers are capricious by nature, not necessarily a reflection of parenting ability

You ever been in love?

Talk about a buried lede

You must be trolling.

That was a really tough read, I couldn’t even walk into that place, much less deal with the whack jobs in there for an extended period of time.

My favorite debunk is when Buzz Aldrin punched a guy right in the face for suggesting it

When I was a lowly mail room dude at the old gray lady, I realized that the rampant nepotism would never allow me to climb that ladder, American dream style. It permeates every department, and not just Sultzbergers. So many legacy hires even in IT, it was ridiculous how many highly placed people had the same last

This story ruined my dinner

Though it would be nice to see him go through the wringer, sexual assault charges are never fun for anyone

Why?!? I’m a dad and I would never objectify one of my son’s teachers! What kind of example would I be setting? I don’t want my son to be me, but I want him to be better than me. Sorry you are subjected to this, but we really aren’t all pigs.

I can see the posters now: “Pick Cotton 2020"
