Creeps O'Hannigan



She has a shockingly good voice; her live performances are so much better than the canned downbeat of her studio shit.

Well I can't imagine this going wrong

On one hand, I find a lot to disagree with in the article. On the other, the more people I see bitching about sonia's "whiny feminism" the more I like the article just to spite you stupid fucks.

people always running into doors on star wars sets.


shouldn't these rich people have amazing prototype phonecameras that take incredible photos all the time?

much the way the navi themselves are two sets of simple stereotypes that have fused.

Tomb Raid, Tomb Furious

Hah. Welcome back Human Beardsley.


Or Xiumi Hairgrove

Or Huimin Feathercheecks

Zach should change his name to Human Beardsley

I guess yer familiar with parody since u used the term cultural marxism. Haha what a goof!

You're fuckin like a Chinaman! Is what I'm trying to say.

You didn't answer my question

Are u in a manic state right now?

You seem pretty angry about your shit life.