Emperor of Mars

The brilliance of Martyrs is that, the "extreme horror" is the horror of religious extremism. It is alive and well today all over the world in 2015, and the reality of that alone should scare the piss out of anyone. That film lays it out as good or better than any other film on the subject, horror or no. It is not

haha yes perhaps "It Pesters"

I watched the trailer for that and I have to see it, looks great.

yes there was, I think 2014 and pretty lame.

More like "unwatchable horror."
Babadook must have been written as one of those after-school specials until someone decided "Hey, let's make it a horror film, how can we do that?" Within the space of 20 minutes they replayed the same tired trope of two people talking while something "suspenseful" is developing in the

mumblecore meanderings indeed!

Reeker, Splinter, Feast, Pontypool, The Signal (2007)

how is that not on this list? Leagues above many on this list.

Shit Follows. It's a five minute high concept exercise drawn out to a plodding feature length film. I think I got through the first 20 minutes.

Phantom of the Paradise, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Carrie, The Sentinel, Piranha. Argento, Dante, Friedkin, De Palma, Fulci, Romero..

yep, he got better

you are correct, I'll replace that with Shivers, The Omen, Deep Red, The Brood, take your pick.

Excellent film.

"The ’70s had zombies, and giant sharks, and Texas Chainsaw Massacres" ??