
I’m imagining Terence Malick filming this script, stretching it out to 85 minutes - no added dialogue, just long gorgeously framed shots of open countryside, teeming crowds on sidewalks, people jostling through the gates of a ballpark, players going through their pregame rituals, etc., all set to a score somewhere

(earlier in the day)

I can think of one guy that likes China’s outfits

Worst quarterback in the NFL,” [Michael] says.

I thought it would have been comedy of Kaufman proportions if she’d have come out and given Melania’s speech.

Couldn’t wait longer than eight minutes to explain your joke?

It’s a joke dumbass

Fitzpatrick played quarterback at Harvard. It’s rarely mentioned when talking about him, just thought you’d like to know.

You are missing the point. It is one thing to send emails to your intellectual crush, saying all sorts of pretentious goofy things you think sound smart. It is another for these two people (why do you keep forgetting about him?) to publish it, convinced it is high art. It’s a set of pretentious emails where each one

Honestly? No.

Burleson’s claims to have witnessed several pile drivers on the Viking’s Sex Party Boat are much more believable.

Go figure.

Please note that a majoity Conservative Cobb county government bent over backwards to give the future Cobb County Braves a deal that the majority Libral Atlanta/Fulton County governments wouldn’t.

I think it’s hilarious that whiners about “political correctness” exemplify all the traits the claim to despise. Thin skin, obsessive need to control language, generally insisting on inane nomenclature. Like, this change shouldn’t even be called “political correctness”. The name was changed because calling a woman a

I’m sorry, who is the crybaby here? Waaaah, change! It's so hard!

Semper Cri

That's what he gets for gibbon up.