Jerry Jones got into the HOF but not TO! Fuck that!
Jerry Jones got into the HOF but not TO! Fuck that!
Tennis match
I wish her a swift recovery.
Got it thank you for answering me
When people like you or Michael Floyd fall asleep at the light, was your foot on the brake while you slept? Why didn’t the car move?
LOl. How could Alec Baldwin possibly embody this raving narcissist?? I’ve often wondered
You could never hate him more than he hates himself, if that’s any satisfaction.
Dude that was a fucking funny joke
Why is Conkr McGregor racist?
Eat, Spay, Love
They got divorced 4 years after the movie and had been married for 23 years. It's probably more complicated than you make it out in this comment
That is the point of this article
He thanked someone named Stanky Wanky in there at some point
Goodnight sweet prince.
Anonymous PR bro; you are a fucking legend dude. This was an extremely cool story bro. My favorite part was when the unnamed athletes got fucking hella laid by the hot sluts in your unverifiable anecdotes!
What constitutes a “nightcap”? Is it 10, 30 mins before bed, 1-2 hr?