
He looks KGB as fuck right here.

Why is he wearing his Laker Uniform to an Elite Eight Game?

That is TWO TIME NBA CHAMPION Adam Morrison

Look at him, tooting his own horn.

There wasn't anything dangerous about the rim hang in the HS video. It looked more like a baggy shorts call than a safety call. Ironically, if he had let go earlier, he would have fallen flat on his back, and there would have been a real safety problem.

Lillard broke a universal rule among all officials: a player is never allowed to express his youthful exuberance at any time because back when the official played...

Notre Dame mismanaged the shit out of the last two minutes of that game.

I read this article and I'm like "people are seriously fucking overthinking this shit." I think this woman ought to "get started on the cat collection" not because she doesn't suck dick but because her attitudes toward sex and relationships are utterly self-centered and unwilling to give the same respect to an equal

The author of the Vice article just seems very immature: Numerous relationship partners did not meet your requirements, but you continued the relationship every time? She has vowed to never give another person oral forever. Forever is a long time, girl.

I see what you're saying about the power imbalance in real life, but I can't brook "factually inaccurate" or "dangerously distorted" here. It's an allegory, not a simulation... its goal does not require "realism," and really that's sort of a bizarre thing to ask of a music video. What would that even look like? Ten

Nebraska, I'm impressed! (Confused, but impressed.)

Douchebag comment. What we need are more people filming law enforcement, not fewer.

It's incredibly tragic. I really have to say though, the comments on this article have been so informative and respectful to those involved. You guys are really impressive.

While the video is hard to watch, most likely he suffered a Basilar Skull Fracture, based on the evidence of blood in the eyes, which is visible on the Youtube footage. It's hard to believe that a simple case of taking a bump wrong could kill somebody due to whiplash. However that is apparently what happened. Let me

I'm kind of appalled that I was the first.

YES. I can't believe how far I had to scroll to find someone who posted this song.