I’m getting real damn tired of these roguelike games coming out. The only one I’ve like was enter the gungeon.
I’m getting real damn tired of these roguelike games coming out. The only one I’ve like was enter the gungeon.
There’s just one of you idiots in every thread about popular games. “I don’t like X so why do you post about it? Wah.”
Heaven forfend! They used a portion of today’s internet ration to discuss a wildly popular game! Now how will they report on one of those common Friday evening gaming news stories since they’ve used up all the internet? And then they forced you to click and read it! It’s tragic.
They are not a news agency, or an arm of the government, just delete the subreddit. Fuck them. Another good step would be to require people use their real identity, there is a reason why these people, like the KKK, hide behind a mask of anonymity, cowardice and shame. Force them into the open. Sure you may take flack,…
Not like the masterfully crafted nuanced dialogue from glorious nippon eh