
it’s not about the instagram!!! I LOVE THE INTERNET! it’s them putting a model who’s objectively not-cover-model material on the cover because she is famous on the internet and everywhere else! that is all! it’s fine!!!

Kendall is the most average of average models. To put her in the same sentence as Evangelista is insane. Worse, contrary to the Vogue story’s assertions, she seems to bring nothing to the shoot. Her photos are basic at best. She might be a hardworker, but she doesn’t light up the frame. Or seem to know how to. Yes,

I would still be on FB if my feed had a series of announcements like this, instead of babies posing with toy blocks indicating how many months old they are, or cheesy/mildly pornographic engagement and wedding photos. And nude pregnancy photos.

Don’t forget Hypercolor...

...and I suffered through the 90s searching high and low for skinnies and forcing my poor mom to sew in the ankles of my boot cut jeans. Guess it’s time to stockpile to prepare for the flare apocalypse

same. Lots of visits to the Garment District in Cambridge, MA. (dollar a pound!)

Money and PTSD. My twins spent months in the NICU, one with multiple birth defects, and now, almost 5 years later, we are still struggling to pay all of the medical bills. I know I have triggers the take me right back to almost losing them, but I've been able to seek help and have a great support system in dealing

THANK YOU. Not a smart woman. Except in self-promotion. The semi-informed garbage she spews is no way in hell that of an intelligent, well educated (self educated/informed is fine with me) woman!

Wendy has always been a nasty, negative, gross person. And she has shown that she will pander to white people by throwing Black people under the bus under the guise of “being honest” if given half a chance. I’m glad Black twitter lit that ass up.

THANK YOU. I’ve seen her show a few times, when I’m home sick (I don’t have cable and get only 3 channels). Never again. She’s not smart, she’s not perceptive, she’s not insightful, she just gossips and makes superficial, ignorant comments - most of which are for the benefit of her white audience members.

This sounds like a coverup to me. I assume what actually happened is that she unhinged her jaw, stretched her mouth open to the size of a manhole cover, and then seized these staffers with her tentacles, shoving their bodies whole into her gaping maw, later regurgitating their bones and clothes in compact pellets.

She is not ‘whip smart’. She makes a lot of offensive and shitty comments about a lot of people and groups of people. Sure you can say that she’s just ‘stirring up controversy’ but that is not smart to me. It’s just being an asshole and I don’t know why she’s applauded for it.

She has always been an asshole. Like you, I was all happy and excited about her coming out, and then utterly disappointed in her. Until I remembered a transition is not a personality transplant. Bruce was an asshole, and Caitlyn is too. I just hoped that finally being able to be ‘herself’ would make her a more

Kanye, it seems to me, is busily trying to socially bleach himself whilst Kim is busily trying to get some "hood" cred for opening her inner and outer lane to the black peen. Their whole marriage seems like an extended stunt. I don't know where Kanye is going with this style but I've been consuming more info about his

“Two decades” well i guess i am crying myself to sleep tonight

Utter trash.

can’t nobody talk shit about ‘Ye no more.”

Doesn’t “everyone hates me” get old eventually? Just because people have never been exposed to something and feel awkward as they try to understand did does not equal hate. The self-victimization gets fucking exhausting after a while. The world is not perfect but gay, lesbian, and transgender people are experience

can’t nobody talk shit about ‘Ye no more.”

I thought it was Chuck Palahniuk.