Devopment cost for f-35 = $55billion
Devopment cost for f-35 = $55billion
This sounds like an opinion piece. At least Tyler would offer citations to back up his statements but this sounds like something i would have written in 8th grade.
The f-35 development cost of $1.5 trillion? Really?
Well said comrade.
It's comments like yours that killed the f22. Now we're wishing we had more but it's too late.
The f 35 may melt decks with full afterburner, but it won’t always fly in full afterburner. Especially not while approaching enemy fighters.The point is that tactics can minimize this risk
The A10, Low and Slow. What will we do when the Russians start supplying manpads to our enemies like we threaten to do tho them in Syria.
You demonize the Brass, but what about the clown politicians we have in congress pretty much grinding this country into the ground. Idiots like them got the f22 canceled and now we are begging for more.
Fact: 80 percent of close air support in Iraq and Afganistan was conducted by planes other than the A10. The B1 carries much more ordinance and can loiter longer. The B1 was responsible for 40% of all CAS alone. Don't tell me the A10 is the be all do all. CAS is a mission, not a plane.
The A10 is like a shotgun. It has wow factor cause it tears shit up. But in practical terms, it's a specialty tool. You give it way too much credit. I read somewhere that the f-16 provided way more CAS in Iraq than the A10. I guess if we plan on fighting insurgancies for the next 50 years then maybe we should keep…
Well Johnny boy, near peer conflicts are existential threats. Fighting insurgancies are just political hobbies.
The problem with you logic is that you are assuming that all we will be racing is the Baja 1000.
I have a cheaper option, dont get involved in insurgancies. Then we could finally retire the A10 and maybe retire John McCain as well. Then just let the air force get what they really need and not what Politicians think they need.
Yea but why plan to fight a war against a near pear state that poses an existential threat when we can just keep buying old generation platforms and keep fighting insurgancies in the Middle East. In all seriousness though, Wouldn’t a C130CJ “Gunship” have more firepower and loiter time?
Transferring a patient using an AMR plane would cost 60,000. My brother transported a patient the other day and the wife complained that the ride junk
An AMR plane ride would have been more
Sure.... My uncle went to urgent care last Thursday with chest pains and they sent him home with anti acid. He died at 4:00am Friday. Great health care yea, tell that to my aunt!!
30 mins flat and it would have landed at the hospital
Israel watching? Yea right. They get thier planes using US Government vouchers funded by US Tax payers. Those cannot be used outside of the US.
Yea, I saw some over at March AFB. Very quit almost had a airliner sound to it. Still wish they would have been scrapped finally