Rodney Sparks

Mistral, which recently raised $415 million in a series A funding round and is now estimated to be worth $2 billion, has been impressing folks with its fast, efficient LLMs and fun, carefree, hacker attitude.

Seriously, you can’t make a more perfect story to get people riled up. Kardashians. Rich people flaunting their wealth and hurting the planet. And if this was on any other website, I’d probably be pissed too. But Gizmodo has been doing this “rich people bad. Poor people good” narrative for a while now. They are just

Hey stop that with your facts logic and math. A blogger is trying to outrage people against a celebrity no one will ever meet.

I’m not defending 3 minute jet trips or private jets in any way, but I feel like “30 million tons” is the kind of thing people like to throw around. It sounds like a lot and all those big, scary, numbers always benefit from comparison. The US produces about 5.4 Billion tons of carbon emissions each year. Cars in the

A man named Cockburn running against a guy who thinks Bigfoot (you know what they say about men with big feet...) descended from Homo Erectus or Pithecanthropus Blacki.

I had this on a t-shirt and it was great. Got some fun reactions. Wore it to the Star Wars and Star Trek movies. It’s long since worn out now though, I should buy it again...

Thanks for not being a standard internet dick and owning a mistake.  I tip my hat to you for that.  A rare thing indeed.

I don’t even know what the hell Iwas thinking. I knew people weren’t compelled to decrypt their stuff...

Are you allowed to do that? Admit you were wrong on the internet? I didn’t know that was allowed. :)

Yup you’re right. I was under the impression it could be compelled but I’m wrong. My mistake.

Say what you like about the meal, but at least it wasn’t Boering.

He’s the Bobb Ross of rations.

There is something very entertaining about Steve’s videos. He has such a calm, unassuming presentation and he knows his stuff when it comes to rations and MREs.

Goodyear: “Your Honor, despite the fact that all the livestock have in fact left the barn, we would like to request that the barn door now be secured.”

Well on my desk I have a button to order beef jerky off of Amazon. So I think I win, because I can push the button as many times as my bank accounts allows, while if Kim presses that button he can measure his remaining life span in days if not hours.

Wait, so people would bitch and moan about DLC, and now they’re enraged that they CAN’T pay to unlock something? Fucking kids these days.

If this animal has an allergy to those wildflowers...

It wasn’t ice. It wasn’t fire. It was magic. The wall was raised by magic. The Night King was created by magic. Dragons are a product of magic. Magic raised the wall, and magic razed the wall.

Shit, we have a winner already. Shut it down, folks.

These prophecies can be maddeningly unspecific.