Creative Response

The Media Hummed.

He told us that he hated Mexicans.
And we hummed a song of Latino Responses
He told us he wanted to move them far far away
And we hummed a song of vacation getaways

He told us that he hated refugees
Especially the Muslim ones
“Me too, me too, me too”
We hummed, not with our voice
We hummed what the rest of

Maybe I can help!

The problem is not how Tracy and her family handled this. The problem is that we all take for granted that part of a man's role in a heterosexual relationship is to offer protection to his woman and put himself at risk to protect her.

This is not only problematic with gender roles, it's ableist as hell

It's called Love Your Body Week. No one shuts down Love Your Body Week.

Sorry dude. Try Grindr for that.

"This information is important because not only does it show that there might be some disconnect between what the mind perceives as arousing and what the body does, but it also provides information about sexual preferences."

With great affection... noooooooooooooooooooooooo, please no.

This study shows that there is a

Hi. Orthodox Jewish upbringing here. Just came to clear up a few things:

Bialik doesn't like these ads not because she is a crotchety old woman, but because she's a religious Jew. Religious Judaism is all about shaming women for sexuality, equating their bare skin with sex, and placing the burden of proper sexual

Uh, no, what upsets me is that you added it as a snarky little caveat, so again, fuck you. My rape is not your reluctant acknowledgement. You're an asshole.

Hey, as a man who was raped, how about fuck you?