Creative Destruction

Maybe. But I was 6 when we first got AOL (before we “upgraded” to Prodigy or something), and the very first thing I did before clicking on any of that other AOL clutterware was click on “browser” (I could be kidding myself, but I think there was a specific button on the menu to get to the web browser.) I’d hate to

Only on the front page, which acted basically like a Yahoo homepage. When you went to the browser, you could access any website on the internet.

The amount of energy used to make the plastic for the bottles, to extract the water from municipal and ground water supplies, then transport the water all over the world (not just the United States), is on whole magnitudes of order bigger than buying a countertop water distiller. The energy used to power the plants,

“The comparison doesnt need to be a one to one, but it should be close or else its just a bad comparison.”

Not if you restrict the comparison and make it clear what it is you’re comparing, which I did. I’m sorry you can’t grasp that very simple concept.

“Your moral argument is moot, because the comparison doesnt make

For the first part of your post, please read down-thread a bit further. I’m already in an argument someone else over this exact thing. If you want to participate in that discussion, please feel free. I’m not going to rehash it here.

No, you’re still missing the point. The comparison doesn’t need to be a one-on-one exact copy of powers covered within any particular right, because I’m not comparing those things. I’m making a moral argument for concern over the rights to have guns (regardless of whether that right is to own them or not!) being

You and the other person who replied to me with this are missing the point. In our discussion of what constitutes “rights,” some apparently place a premium on just the idea of the right to have a gun and very little to none on other things that are actually more important to human survival; like water. The abilities

Libertarians are pretty awful people.

I do. My wife and I travelled all over the US, through the south, through the heartland, in the desert SW, Pacific NW. We’ve stopped and filled up at least a rest station in every state we’ve been in. The water is fine. It’s completely and totally fine.

If it’s really that bad, just get a tabletop water distiller for the office and keep it filled like the coffee machine. If you’re worried about the lack of trace minerals in distilled water (most people aren’t, but it just depends on how much you care) then there are trace mineral solutions you can get for really

If you’re worried about the chemical taste, then get a goddamned water filter or distill the water.

For 1.) buy a Britta filter. It’s a lot cheaper in the long run to do this than waste money on bottled water. For 2.) you know they make BPA-free plastic, aluminum and glass bottles to carry water around in, right? There’s even some that have filters in the damn straws.

Come on. Stop being a complete fucking moron.

The only people who make this claim are fans of Mercola. Opinions like that, and similar opinions, can be safely discarded into the opinion dustbin along with anthropogenic climate change denial and anti-vaccination scares.

I would have figured that even with all the back and forth about “rights” of any kind, the very least that we can come to an agreement to is that drinking water, at the very least — as a condition of fulfilling rights held by human beings, is considered a basic human right.

With very little exception, the “independent” voter who “leans conservative” is in the GOP camp. At worst, they’re Libertarians who fancy themselves independent, and are actually just as bad, if not worse, than Republicans on issues of “waste.”

That depends on what you mean by “functional.”

“No, its real problem is a political system so broken the state hasn’t turned to desalinization despite sitting next to the largest body of salt water on the planet.”

A problem, interestingly enough, that only a revolution can fix.

As it happens, the Twitter bio from one of the people who sent the tweet is:

“Conservative Catholic.MSU Spartan!Counting the days til HusseinObama’s regime ends.Followed by James Woods+Sean Hannity.I block Libturds/Ads”

Which is dumb, because champagne is cheap. “Limousine liberal” is closer to the intended effect of the slur (and more accurate, because socialists are not liberals.) It’s like the “arugula” tag people tried pinning on Obama, as if to say that only rich people eat it. I eat arugula. It’s one of the cheaper greens at

Huh. So that’s what the commodification of gaming looks like.