
I am white. I’m pretty successful. It has been easy. What is your excuse?


Lol, as far as I can tell it is being read by the readers of Kotaku. But to be fair, there’s not much else an article could really do, is there? It certainly can’t sing or dance.

Hey bro, outside of sports, can you name one industry/profession/whatever that is dominated by black people? Because, as the author of this piece did, I can name a lot that are dominated by white people: business, journalism, writing, editing, designing, acting, politics, food and cooking, etc. etc. White excellence

I hate the realities of making money on the internet now because this article isn’t really that bad but the headline is fucking atrocious. It would be cool if there were one website that didn’t have to pull this shit just to get facebook clicks.

Now playing

Video games were doing this a decade ago:

I don’t think the controls are terrible. They’re just not responsive in the way you expect from a modern action game. I agree some of the bosses are very tough and almost require you to level up and restart the game, but most of them are optional. I don’t think any of the story-required bosses are that bad. By the end

I agree the time limit and other restrictions made the game too frustrating in Dead Rising, but for me Dead Rising 2 hit the sweet spot. Dead Rising games are time management games, not open world exploration games. You’re supposed to fail and restart so you can better learn the lay of the land and level up your