
This definitely seems an event worth going undercover and not ethically identifying yourselves as reporters over.

How pathetic

Little did you know the entire room was just filled with undercover bloggers with made-up personas trying to infiltrate the event.

Holy crap this is boring...

In the USA no one is going to care about track & field other then those 10 seconds of the 40 every 4 years. Thats it.

Major League Baseball has had ONE fucking rule that gets a person banned for life. It’s posted on the entrance to every clubhouse and has been for roughly 100 years now: A) Don’t bet on baseball. B) Don’t get too cozy with gamblers.

It’s important to note that the Commissioner has no say on whether or not he’s in the HOF. The Hall is neither owned nor operated by MLB, they have simply chosen to exclude anyone who is banned from MLB. Your beef is with the HOF, not the commissioner.

If you’re into amateur porn, this is the site for you.

What kind of sicko pays for porn?

hahahahahaha, oh man.

Oh cool! You just repurposed the original joke as your own! hahaha Clever!

Enter the flurry of inappropriate concussion jokes in the comments on an article where we aren’t supposed to laugh at them.

Yeah, this comment is sorely misguided. He has had exemptions for Adderall in the past, didn’t get the exemption one year, and now he has it again. Your suggestion is completely without merit. I award you zero points.

“I think these guys would fit in nicely at Deadspin.” Why they seem like nice people and you guys come across as a bunch of whining dickheads. Doubt they’d fit in .

I don’t feel my Xbone has really improved in the nearly two years I have owned it. Still slow and clunky, but the interface looks a little different I guess. Still annoyed my controllers go to sleep, and that they unpair from the system if my WiFi router is too close. Apps still crash on me occasionally. Sometimes the

Your argument falls flat. You claim the ps4 has no exclusives that interest you yet it has an exclusive in every genre that Xbox One has yet you bought and Xbox One instead. It’s fine if you bought one to play with friends or because you love one of the Xbox series (I love Halo) but don’t lie and say the ps4 doesn’t

Thats my biggest plight with the xbox. All of these awesome changes sure. But why the hell are there still ads on my homescreen?!?! I dont care what you do. That is an absolute no no for a private machine.

It’s been some time since I’ve read an article that sounds so amusingly biased.