
because Gawker can’t be trusted to email anonymously under any circumstances... they made that bed.

not really but okay

ugh. You’re insufferable. you’ll use anything for social media acceptance won’t you. You’re just as disgusting as the men mocking her.

ok thx

“I haven’t seen it, but it’s totally amazing!!!” - the womanternet?

his work since the 80's convinces me he’s not entirely sure what’s funny anymore.

yeah, I’ll wait for it to hit my On Demand or Netflix probably. Conjuring 2 is all I’m waiting on this month.

you ummmm... you’re not a smart person

nah... but you’re definitely gonna need a bigger brush to paint with those broad strokes ;)

yes, she seems to be spanning out and playing “angry loud black woman” in Ghostbusters

The casting decision is why this has become such a lightning rod, and even if people can convince themselves that its for other reasons, I don’t buy it and any reasonable person should be able to understand that those reasons are just a cover for the misogynist ones.

there it is

of course you did

This was not a movie that needed rebooting or remaking and 2 it looks like SHIT.

When did I say I didn’t like them? Quote for me where I said that please. K thx ;)

I liked Hotel

“Hey maybe Disney realized badass women sell.”

“Jesse Eisenberg has confirmed he’s returning”

Anna Merlan is really bad at her job and should never be cited in a story.

“She also had the added pressure of being African-American in an overhwelmingly white environment”