
no she wasn’t... good to see she’s gotten over “that” though so she can try to brush up on fame ;)

Seriously. THANK YOU.

A kid I knew from boarding school also did this

There’s some entertaining cameos here, such as Jeff Goldblum, Yvette Nicole Brown and Chris Hardwick.

no you’re not

and she could really care less

did you spit out something upon watching it?

yeah, just commented this as well... I asked what exactly would cause someone to spit out their coffee in this. I feel bad, because I don’t want to disparage the work. Dude has some talent and the short was cute.

This short film had me spitting out my coffee this morning.

Albert Burneko IS Mt. Take!!!

As of last year his net worth was $3 mil. Your turn.

it’ll definitely be the fault of the police here on Deadspin by the time midnight rolls around

Something Wicked This Way Comes is an excellent movie that shouldn’t be dirtied by this shit-ass franchise

I mean... not really. But I guess you gotta say these things to get people clicking your star.

She is a All of the reps she pays are clearly very competent businesswoman business people

I sincerely hope you’re never on a jury

Agreed... which is why we should probably wait for both sides to have their say and all evidence to be recorded before making nasty judgments about either party. Right? RIGHT?!

If you can wait until Jan. 19, 2018, you’ll be able to see it on DVD

makin a lot more than Fred Smith on Kinja

in which programming decisions were made based on whether or not someone has children