
As opposed to human males, which just hope to be the last guy not passed out at a party...

is that of any relation of the “How to BBQ with Black People” piece that Deadspin did a year or two ago?

honestly? This is the shit Curt Schilling was talking about. Fuck, I need a shower after typing that, but he wasn’t wrong. Bunch of race-baiting idiots over at ESPN.

I’m confused... according to Jezebel, Asian women in the HuffPo offices are considered “blindingly white.” Maybe the issue is more in your mirror than you want to admit.

JFC, try thinking about other people for a change.

That’s fucked up.

it’s unfair and frankly misogynistic to lay the blame for Bill’s behavior at Hillary’s feet

fixed for accuracy. You’re welcome

I’m just glad we finally get some news about lesbians that are attractive... now THAT’S progress

If you put two patties, sauce that tastes like MCDonald’s “special sauce”, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on three pieces of bun then you’ve made a Big Mac.

No... they created a theory and are working on that theory. Even with their tests, they will be working on this theory for a long time. Quit fucking titling shit with definitive “we now know” or “answered”. It’s deceptive, disingenuous and flat-out false. You either know this going in, or you’re a complete idiot.

why are you talking about the genitals of a child?

remember when everyone (including this site) believed the PR campaign that the officials union put out that replacement refs were ruining the game? yeeeeahhhh....

will this help get rid of the fraudulent amount of people that claim to have a gluten allergy or intolerance? That’s all I care about.

you’re an idiot

yeah, I’m with you. I think we have a case of Bobby needs something to write about...

I find your lack of knowledge remarkable... but here we are... and I read it. Sigh.

I’d argue that Clinton earned her unpopularity in an even more old-fashioned way than Trump did, a way so old-fashioned it is part of the Biblical creation myth—i.e. she was born a woman

try again?