
That would have been epic.

we clearly have different definitions of “multi-talented”

I’m not sure I could be less interested in both Suicide Squad and a Black Panther movie...

hate to break it to ya - we’re already there brotha

meh. My headache is more important to me than Tony Gwynn dying. So fuck you back.

this is a really poor argument

being fair, after the amount of plastic surgeries she has clearly had, she might be kind of a stranger to him

ok thanks

I don’t know who the fuck you think you are responding to me in such a manner when I didn’t speak to you that way.

I assume that you won’t be affected by the fucked-up-ed-ness that will come about with Trump in office.

that’s just fear-mongoring man. Be better.

I’m Latino. Grew up in Flint. I’ve seen rock bottom personally. I’m good with it for a few years if it means the long-term is going to be better.

half of me agrees. The other half of me believes that you need to take a couple steps back before you can move forward. Hillary is moving us sideways if she’s in. Trump comes in? We’re DEFINITELY taking a couple steps back for 4 year. But I also believe (hope may be more accurate) it would invoke changes within the

The monster’s wife getting elected also means the monster will be back in the White House... and I think we would all be fools to believe that a former two-term President wouldn’t be involved in policy just because he’s First Husband now. Given BOTH of their very real history with women, gays and minorities, which

yet they still have the worst video player on the internet

A friend who does PR asked me if I’d be interested in documenting the trip


you should be aware that you don’t come off as smart from these convos yourself

I mean, I hate Trump and all... but in this case, he’s not wrong

it took you four days to write this?