
because you have an appreciation for bloggers who make up roughly 50% of the things they write about?

Lindy is the worst

and yet people will still turn out in droves for Woody Allen or Quentin Tarantino flicks...

She’s thrilled for her upcoming role as the icy villain in Baywatch, a part originally envisioned for a man (“another barrier broken,” she winks)

the essential recap we’ve all been waiting 15 hours for. Thanks Kevin!

so wait... they weren’t going to actually sing it themselves? Makes these comments a little more confusing then:

I thought it kinda sucked honestly... then again, you guys are also disturbingly excited about the Ghostbusters re-whateverthehelltheyrecallingit, so we’re probably not going to see eye-to-eye on a lot.

Yeah... propably I am a fucking(!) idiot(!).

why? Is she going to make up another allegation?

and seeing that she already admitted under oath that she made up the rape allegations... she’s not owning him in court either.

Tomorrow she’ll claim no one cheered for her

stand strong?

Things Shonda Rhimes should be more surprised about:

I’ve purchased many tickets to many events through Stubhub... never once have I experienced a counterfeit, and to my knowledge, nor have any of my friends. They have a pretty strong system in place to make sure tickets aren’t counterfeit usually, so I’m not sure about Every. Single. Night.

I don’t think @Thewymac is best served by using #SpotTheTank

For those who didn’t watch the race—perhaps because you read the race format first and decided, “Nope, not today” have way better things to do

“Your typing them wrong” while bitching about someone else’s English is rich.

Dude you read my stuff pretty wrong!

Paramount stopped because it wasn’t worth the PR hassle... not because of right or wrong.

soooo, then you can’t sell a Big Mac. Thanks for making my point?