
agreed Blake Lively is much hotter... being fair to Ryan, they’re about the same on the talent scale

Speaking with Entertainment Weekly, Preacher artist Steve Dillion says he’s optimistic about the series

I’m struggling to figure out who of these two is more annoying

if anything, this makes me less interested in the show...

“rather than a more objective view of the multiverse as to where these creatures could be coming from”

maybe she shouldn’t have admitted under oath that her and her mom made it all up then?

yes, he should absolutely be cool with her continuing to claim he drugged her and raped her (even though it is exactly opposite of what she’s said under oath) in front of millions of people on live TV. Sounds like a great business plan for him.

it’s a she actually... but love the assumption ;)

“But I don’t get the joke.”

“I guess the same kind of teens who film themselves doing something illegal and then posting that on the internet.”

this is exactly the appropriate reaction from the mayor of a world-class city that has lots going for it and doesn’t need to get bent out of shape over an online poll. I can’t believe we let you host an Olympics six years ago.

it would seem you’re at the top of Mt. Take right now waiting for some company.

but it does seem that the interviews he’s giving aren’t covering new ground

Though he obviously would’ve loved for Smith to return, Emmerich isn’t concerned by the actor’s absence.

is there a comic that ends with Robert Kirkman either dead or on the first one-way voyage to Mars?

she’s 19. Stop it.

“I doubt this young woman had a whole lot of support.”

I’m trying to figure out the part in this story where York is the jerk...

hmmm, what hot take category can yours be categorized under?

oh look, someone else is hoping to strike another “Happy”