
but you’re talking to me... so are you a nobody?

It’s not going to go the way you think it’s going to go.

I wonder if the rest of her body is as botoxed as her face...

you want equality or not? If so, then don’t find it “odd” that a woman checks on an intruder too.

wow. Smoking hot take there kid

okay. Thanks for your input.

apparently “sadly in desperate need of attention” is now “no-fucks fashion”. Huh.

by all accounts, Anthony Mason was one bad dude... A guy no one wanted to fight or be caught in an alley with. So if this is about Anthony Mason, then I believe the truth in that was stretched some.

I was going to guess Shit Sandwich, but I believe Spinal Tap took that...

well, we already know you milked two “stories” out of a false assumption about Margot Robbie...

Storywise it makes sense.


“Unfortunately, nobody watched it.”

yeah, there’s nothing about him that seems genuine

@Midnight takes many weeks off, plus doesn’t have a Friday show. That taping takes roughly 90 minutes out of his other days at this point. I feel confident you work more hours than he does in a week once you add in all the other stuff.

that she’s a hypocrite? Agreed.

they are... Even if you ignore all the other ones because you happen to like the person at the head of this one.

Step 1 - manufacture story

I don’t think your biggest issue is blanking on a specific word

I’m personally in the “she’s a mediocre actress” camp, but that doesn’t go over too well, so I avoid it. She was really good in Silver Linings Playbook. But then what? Joy was not a good movie at all (nor was she good in it). She wasn’t good IMO in American Hustle (also a very average movie). Hunger Games movies were