

I’m gonna respond because you sound like such a fun internet tough guy to get into a back-and-forth with.

wait, there was a Transformers 4?

counterpoint: Dolph probably isn’t reading this

the more I see Mystique as this front-and-center leader, the less I want to see these movies

so Dr. Who fucked Quantum Leap and this is what came out?

I don’t know why, but that “, apparently” in Daniel Taylor’s tweet is bugging the hell out of me.


so the Yankees come in and crack down on this stuff, and they’re massive assholes according to writers here at Gawker. But Hamilton does it and it’s cool?

it took you WAY too long to get to the point of your argument...

It’s easy to sit back and watch everyone else have to weed through the field of mistakes on such issues and then come out yourself and get it right on the first try.

it’s a massive grey area when he doesn’t even have to go through the courts, though. MLB was put in a tough spot with this... he wasn’t convicted and his wife decided to stop cooperating. However, they have to send a message.

I read the article. Still got the same message.

agreed that Hamilton Nolan’s family was “lucky” then

and rightfully so

someone thinking hush puppies is the best BBQ side is a bigger scandal

reasons #4,112-4,126 people don’t like being around Drew Magary

3 of your first 5 are bread? Tha fuck is wrong with you?

so naked chicks? Seriously, though, anything after Part 3 was pure butt. So unless it’s a call back to the first three films, this can just be added to the trash heap.

thx bae