
that’s one of them!


agreed I have better things to do than read a diatribe from an internet buffoon trying to scramble out of being a proven hypocrite.

Funny. I didn’t say ANY of that. ;)

thank you kindly

why has no one sent Tim Burton’s coordinates to ISIS yet?!

good catch. That is odd... Planet of the Apes came out in 1974, which is before he even wrote that letter. Have to imagine he didn’t have any serious role in the industry before 1976 or 77 (when he’d be 18).

it’s so fucking low to diminish people for sex act everyone enjoyed

Did he have a Facebook?

Never met him. But he had a SUPER cool apartment


yes, I usually set up my own web site to make me look great too...

Flockhart is one of the worst parts of the show! And the post-production work they do on her face was probably as large of an expense as anything else. She’s an awful actress... Get rid of her, the dude who plays Jimmy (he’s REALLY bad) and Kara’s sister. Also a couple different writers and ditch the Jimmy/Kara love

TLDR. I just assume you fessed to being a hypocrite. Thanks!

trying to be an artist and being an artist are different things... but right now, based on his work, he seems a lot closer to “Facebook guy who wanted to see more naked chicks so he bought an expensive camera”

you know what... fuck it. This show must die now.


that photo of the extremists seems pretty accurate tho

thanks for the update

I love them... the insane amount of people who watch them every two years, and the large amount of people whose lifelong goal is to win an Olympic gold medal tends to steer me toward you being in a minority.