
The Olympics supposedly (lol) stands for “social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles”

says the guy who wrote this piece basically calling people professional victims and overblowing things?

Hard pass...

I honestly couldn’t imagine being that way... and yet here we are commenting on Gawker anyway haha

sounds like a losing bet

1. Yes

agreed you’re wrong

we’re all just guzzling milk after your hot takes


Bingo. Not only do people still talk like this, but they laugh about it... and many of those are the same people that then get out their social media pitchforks when they hear it in public.

you’re weird

He is chairman of the Take Party

And the reason this joke will no longer exist is because, more and more, people who used to feel like they couldn’t speak freely about being insulted now feel like they can. They aren’t afraid.

you wrote more words than I care to read. Have a great day bae ;)

okay, but can we quit calling him an “artist” at least?

hot take

and for spencer, naked women can be used so he can call himself an “artist”

nah. I’m good.

I didn’t claim to be a journalist. When I claim to have a profession in writing, and THEN suck at writing... then you can make fun of the things I type. False equivalency is false ;)

I didn’t claim to be a “journalist” kiddo ;)