
Your wife is creepy

yup. Still creepy watching adults clamor for a child to be on camera more...

lol come on. As a publicist, even I know this is bullshit. You sound like a reality TV producer. “But we just REALLY want to give you an opportunity to tell your side of the story (disclaimer - while I still make fun of you and highlight the negative accusations, presenting them as more truthful than you)“

why? So you can now be a hypocrite based on your other stances and make fun of a woman for not believing things you believe in?

I tried to read this. I really did. Made it maybe 1/4 or 1/3 of the way through? You honestly need to take a writing class or something to learn how to grasp reader attention. Choppy, bouncing around and takes you forever to get to the meat of this actual story. Your transitions are horrendous. IDK, this is just

your son may want to wait on that hero...

after seeing the update, you still want to give him your money?

I didn’t click play on the video because watching people watch other things is sad... How the fuck is Pewdiepie a star?!

this comment deserves way more love than it’s getting

found-footage horror film

100% with you. Feels gimmicky. Too gimmicky.

no he didn’t

gonna old man this... but when you’ve just come off a PAIR of injuries, why is the jump celebration so fucking important? I kind of want him to go Gramatica on us now.

You like Troy Tulowitzki, right?

you just won’t hear about it...

Yes. I can’t wait to watch a movie about a kid staring at maps for hours. Sounds awesome.

you do know that “lends validity” is a lot different than “makes it pure fact” right?

So, uh, can someone get a Kickstarter going for this kid immediately please?

another movie that makes Jennifer Lawrence a feature that isn’t that great? You don’ say....