
but most found it to be long, bloated

agreed you’re not smart

so maybe we should stop selling theories as fact until we actually know... whattya say Maddie?

Gawker got new offices?

agreed you’re not good at your job

you care way too much about this kiddo

Besides, in the world I live in a distressing amount of people act like movie-events correspond to real-world options.

I’m not sure you’re the person to tell someone to “grow up”

so we can call it Upgrade Season?

It’s a movie... like a fake, scripted movie.

We wanted both characters in this movie to play protagonists and antagonists alternatively at different points of the film

“I would have predicted a Gawker site to participate in the very same hide-newsworthy-conservative-subjects editorializing that apparently Facebook did.”


hi douche

when you hit “Publish”, do you also yell “BOOM!”?

person on internet writes douchey, and false, comment... gets annoyed when kindly corrected multiple times. Sounds about right.

this is pretty cool

I thought the court ordered you guys not to post these kinds of videos anymore...

yes... nothing says “oppressed” like someone who is accepted to West Point

I mean, BLM is kind of a joke. You have to admit that.